There was a heavy rain last night, and I noticed the sump pump was running quite often. I took a video to show how much water was pouring into the sump pump pit. I have extended the downspouts to carry the water farther away from my foundation, but that does not appear to have made a significant difference. I wonder if a passive gravity fed drainage tile would help? There is a bit of a grade in the yard away from the house.
I plan on getting a water powered backup sump pump system, since my previous sump pump died after six years, which caused flooding in my basement. Luckily, I had the backup sump pump rider on my homeowners insurance. State Farm Insurance was wonderful to work with. No hassles and everything looks just like it did before the basement flooded.
Take a look at the video:
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sump pump
Posted by
12/23/2007 12:06:00 PM
Labels: insurance, sump pump, video, water
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Data availability
I noticed this story about a massive cache of seeds being stored in Norway. Slight tangent, but this reminds me of off site backups in IT. Spending an estimated $30 million may seem unnecessary, but it sure might pay off if something catastrophic does happen.
Where do you store your data? Safety deposit box? Gmail? DVD in your desk at work? DVD at a friend's house?
Posted by
12/05/2007 10:58:00 PM
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Random thoughts
Why is it that I always think of things when I'm not in a position to do anything about them. I remember reading that creative people should always keep a pencil and paper handy...
I recently read an article that discusses a few tips how to remember your great ideas. I often call or email myself. I keep a pad of sticky notes in by nightstand as well. What do you do?
Posted by
12/04/2007 07:31:00 PM
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